If you look into the skies above Jordan’s Red Sea resort of Aqaba you may well catch a glimpse of ‘The Royal Jordanian Falcons National Aerobatics Team’. Founded and established in 1976 at the behest of his Majesty the late King Hussein Bin Talal, himself an accomplished pilot. Soon after their formation, Riyad Ayyoub now the General Manager of the team, joined the Falcons back in 1985. Not only has he been part of their journey ever since, he has also witnessed the growth in tourism to this region of Jordan and certainly the realisation of its Sport Tourism potential. To view the current RJ Falcons team please go to https://rjfalcons.com/rjf-team/
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What was your most memorable sporting holiday and why?
I learnt to water-ski during my honeymoon in Florida. This was memorable for several reasons, firstly as I had just married and it was my honeymoon and also because Florida – the sunshine state – is full of sport tourism experiences.
Aside from being an ‘Engineer’ with the RJ Falcons, if you could choose one adrenaline or adventure activity to do on holiday what would it be and where?
For me it would be reaching the top of Everest regardless of the risk encountered. If you can imagine through my work as an engineer with the Royal Jordanian Falcons it involves expert precision and accuracy and the ability to trouble-shoot, using my many years of knowledge to make sure the aerobatic team flies to peak performance and of course safely. I would use these same principles and traits when trying to summit Everest and it would be the most incredible challenge.
What’s the ultimate sports tournament you would attend purely as a fan and/or spectator and why?
The FAI World Aerobatic Championships (WAC) is without doubt an occasion which hits my sweet spot and of course directly related to my field. WAC is a competition in sport aviation organized by CIVA (Commission Internationale de Voltige Arienne), the aerobatic commission of the Federation Aeronautique Internationale, the world air sports federation. It takes place every two years, the last took place in Chateauroux-Deols, France in 2019.
What was the best worldwide display location that the RJ Falcons have had a chance to fly at and why?
The Falcons usually display every year in Europe, and every location has its own unique features and is always a new experience. Also, every Air Show location is carefully studied before we get committed with regards to the number of spectators, number of participating teams and the media behind it to help promote the RJ Falcons and Jordan. This year and due to Covid-19 situation, we are staying in Jordan and operating in Aqaba in summer time. In our 2019 tour schedule we included three dates in the UK including the Royal Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford.
Aqaba must be an amazing training base for the RJ Falcons, do the pilots generally train over Wadi Rum/ Gulf of Aqaba and does the sand/heat create problems to the Extra 330LX aircraft, which you have to resolve as engineer?
We usually train over King Hussein Airport/Aqaba and we also fly over the sea (Gulf of Aqaba) especially when we have Air Shows that involve displays over beaches, which provides experience of flying over this type of topography. Heat is a real issue for our Extra330LX aircraft and piston engine aircrafts in general, so there is a limit to the level of temperatures we are able to fly in due to the aircraft’s carbon composite structure. We solve this problem by flying early in the morning or late in the afternoon when it becomes a bit cooler.
As a Jordanian what ‘Sports Travel’ activities would you highlight and recommend for tourists visiting Aqaba and the region?
Aqaba has long been a meeting place for Sports Travel enthusiasts, attracted by the climate, the coral and marine life that count these clear blue waters as home. Add to this proximity to the natural and historical assets renowned across the globe and you really get a sense of the products available here. Of course Aqaba is synonymous with ‘diving’ and is one of the foremost dive sites anywhere on the planet. Below the waves, a new world of opportunities exists for divers and snorkelers, including a unique array of marine life and Aqaba’s underwater Military Museum Dive Site. It is open for divers to explore everything from submerged aircraft to tanks, a troop carrier to an anti-aircraft gun and two helicopters amongst many others. Above the surface one can try every type of water sport such as Parasailing and deep sea fishing. A short drive into the desert and the bewitching landscape of Wadi Rum comes into view, known as the ‘The Valley of the Moon’; here one can hike, camp, do a 4WD drive desert safari and even take a hot air balloon ride.
For 2021 where are the RJ Falcons going to showcase their air displays and as a proud Royal Jordanian Falcon Engineer goodwill ambassador what message does the team spread to all your fans across the world?
Depending on the Covid-19 situation and if conditions permit, it will be Europe again in the summer of 2021. The Falcons promote the goodwill and interest that exists within our native country and we carry the message of peace and friendship through the art of aviation to the rest of the world.
For more information on the Royal Jordanian Falcons go to: www.rjfalcons.com
For more information on Aqaba go to: www.aqaba.jo
*Images courtesy of the RJ Falcons/ Ben Ullings Aviationphotos.nl